Training & Re-Training of Miners
- 8-hour Refresher/Experienced Miner every Thursday
- 3-day New Miner every Monday-Wednesday
Get The Training You Need
Stay compliant with your re-training or get New Miner training through our comprehensive and MSHA approved training (according to compliance guide Part 48 Subpart B). Learn more about our courses and enroll now!
COVID-19 Update
Due to COVID-19, all classes are now taught online using the Zoom platform.
Student Reviews
See what past students have to say about our classes.
Jeff- just a note of thanks, I was impressed with the MSHA refresher class. I not only enjoyed your real world approach to adult learning and expertise but I must say that I learned more in your 8 hour class than I did taking a 24 hour new miner class from another provider several years ago.

I have attended 35 plus MSHA Refresher courses and was pleased with the complete professional process Jeff displayed before, during and after his class. I give Jeff an A+. I enjoyed all aspects of this Refresher course and could see that Jeff shows and has a passion for safety.

Everything was nice and clear. I appreciated the input of the instructor and involving the participants. It made the class go by pretty fast.

It was a great class. The accident scenes caught my attention and made me think how fragile life can be if we are not thinking safety.

I have been doing EPA/OSHA/DOT training for almost 20 years through one of the state universities, another private training provider and my own company. Your passion for safety and the time, effort and enthusiasm you have put into your product is appreciated by those of us sitting in your class. I would recommend your training to anyone who needs to take MSHA classes. I will be attending and sending my employees to your certified first aid class in the next few months.

Excellent use of Power Point slides as well as class participation and hands-on training. Thanks!

Great pace, made the time go by quickly.

Your classes are great, nothing mundane about them. I like the emphasis on safety, makes me look at all things and approaches differently.

Excellent presentation style. The use of humor was well placed throughout the class.

Stories and life experiences made it exciting.

Jeff’s teaching style is very refreshing. Real-world scenarios and multi-industry experience make the challenge of virtual instruction seem more like in-person training than every online training format I have had in the past.
- Jeff’s expertise and experience were outstanding.
- The use and quality of audio/visual aids were very good and well balanced.
- The demonstrations for hands-on use of PPE and first aid were very well performed.
- Content for the majority of the topics was very good.
- Break schedule and adherence to schedule was excellent.
- Jeff utilized a good idea for break-out rooms. This wasn’t overly used and was well balanced.
- I initially thought the discussion of fatalities on Day 1 included too many examples, but as the training progressed over the next 2 days, the number of examples and the content were more relatable to the topics being discussed, and the discussions flowed well.
- Slight lag in zoom video was noticeable at the end of some of the videos but was not overly distracting from the course.
Tom MorrisonStudent